Protheus Holding plc. is testing EVs from different manufacturers in the next period of time. The first one is a Kia Soul which is designed for environment-friendly local driving. Later on a Nissan Leaf and a Volswagen e-Golf is coming to Paks as well.

 The will of the Municipality is to be one of the first ones serving the needed car fleet for professional administration by electric ones as an example for the green angle. Within the framework of the successful IKOP tender the Municipality is procuring electric buses and trucks besides the cars. For these vehicles a garage and a charging station is going to be at service as well. – added János Bana Vice Mayor.

As a part of the project changing the cars of the local taxi companies into EVs in under planning and negotiating. These companies also have the opportunity to try out the test cars. Besides this an electric bike and roller share system is going to serve the population of the city.

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