E-MOB (PGI06133) Interreg Europe project

The Interreg Europe Programme aims at supporting the Cohesion Policy of the European Union by activities which contribute to the Operational Programmes and other policy instruments by addressing specific sectors through individual projects.

In the first three years the project partners review the developments relating to the selected sector, identifying good practices in the region and analysing the ways to contribute to the targeted policy instruments. The work carried out together will be summarized in an Action Plan, which suggests specific measures to the Managing Authorities of each policy instrument. These measures can be diverse: replication of Best Practices in the given region/country, new financial instruments, modification on call for proposals and/or their monitoring, or carrying out pilot projects.

The aim of project E-MOB is the improvement of policy instruments related to electric passenger transport systems in order to increase the share of e-mobility by exchange of experience and assisting the Managing Authorities. The project is based on two pillars which contribute to the implementation of the Integrated Transport Operational Programme 2014-2020 of Hungary by sharing good practices and relevant information:

  • interregional exchange of experience, analysing the strengths and good practices of partner regions by organizing meetings involving internationally recognised experts

  • intraregional learning and action planning building on the experience gained involving local shareholders (transport companies, municipalities, professional bodies, electricity suppliers and distributors, ITOP MA)

Project duration: 4 years (phase 1 is 36, phase 2 is 12 months long), 01.08. 2019 – 30.07.2023

Lead partner:

Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH (DE)


  • Protheus Holding Zrt.
  • Amiens Métropole (FR)
  • City of Koprivnica (HR)
  • Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences (TEIWM) (GR)
  • Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (AT)
  • Alba LocalEnergy Agency- ALEA (RO)
  • Municipality of Cieza (ES)
  • University North (HR)

Total budget: 1,535,195 EUR of which the budget of Protheus Holding Ltd. is 122,590 EUR


More information:

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/interregemob/

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/interreg-e-mob/?viewAsMember=true

Official E-MOB website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/e-mob/news/

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