Paks is into another big development

Szabó Péter Mayor of Paks, János Bana Vice Mayor and Péter Kiss, the new CEO of Protheus Holding plc. negotiated with the representatives of Eurepean Investment Bank in Brussels. The discussion was about the ELENA project with the amount of 2 million Euros assistance.

The aim of the discussion was to clear up the conditions in connection with the operation of ELENA and Protheus Holding plc. It became clear that a requirement of the Bank is let the Municipality be their partner not any other organisations. So every activity connected to the project goes through the Municipality. Protheus Holding plc. is going to operate as a supporting organization serving only the practical tasks.

The Municipality would like to create a garage and charging station for the electric buses. Choosing the right location for this garage is ongoing. A solar cell park is also planned. The electricity produced this way is able to occupy the electric bus system of Paks, it means that the buses are mainly going to operate by solar energy.

After this meeting it comes to the discharge of the first 40% of Technical Assistance.

Protheus Holding plc. introduction

City authorities determined about some modifications in connection with Protheus Holding plc in October. Péter Szabó the Mayor and János Bana the Vice Mayor of Paks negotiated about the project in Luxembrug. In this magazine they are talking about the results of the negotiations, their plans and the causes of the modifications.

Electric vehicles in the city

The handing in of the Protheus Project to Brussels is planned for September. Until this date the last annexes are going to be taken to the documentation as well. They also contain countings for the sustainability of the mobility program. 

Electric transport to be developed

The Municipality of Paks is about to create the opportunity of electric transport in the 60-65 kilometres zone of Paks. Due to this Protheus project the collaboration of the Mayors from the surroundings is needed. On Thursday the 40 Mayors were informed about the details of the joining.

This May the Municiplaity decided to start the Protheus project. In the frame of the project the development of the transport and energy infrastructure is planned which may be supported by ELENA.  ELENA provides grants regarding technical assistance focused on the implementation of energy efficiency, renewable energy distribution and urban transport projects and programs.

CEO of Protheus plc. Sándor Sztruhár said that the aim was to change the traditional vehicles with big Co2 emission into electric ones in public services area and to build up the needed charger infrastructure. The whole cost of the investment is about  40-45 million Euros. A Polish company, the Led Pack Management will be the partner of Protheus plc. Their contract was signed on Thursday in Paks.

Tomasz Jaskólski the coordinator of the project said for MTI that Led Pack was the first East-European project supported by ELENA. With the collected experience they are able to help Paks.

István Hamvas the CEO of Nuclear Power Plant said that this effort should have been supported. This is a great opportunity to change the buses of the plant into electric ones. Electric transport could play an important role in climate protection if it is based on renewable or nuclear energy.

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