Name of the bike and roller share system

The name of the electric bike and roller share system is going to be PaCi. The prize game by Protheus Holding plc. recieved around 200 recommendations, fantasy names. The five bests were feed today in the Museum of NPP. Csaba Dávid the coiner of PaCi recieved gifts from the Municipality of Paks, Nuclear Power Plant and Penny ltd. Besides this prize he is going to be able to use the system for free for a year.

International E-mobility Workshop in Austria

The “International E-Mobility-Workshop” together with the “E-Mobility-Day” took place on 25th and 26th of May 2018 in Lower Austria. The two day networking event focused on the energy reduction potential in the mobility patterns and technology changes of e-mobility. In addition to that participants had the opportunity to test a wide range of e-vehicles at one of Europe’s biggest e-mobility test events.

The first day focused on e-mobility and it took place in the nuclear power plant of Zwentendorf, which never got into operation. In this interesting setting experts from Lower Austria and other European regions explained the characteristics and challenges of the mobility change and showed best practice examples. After the workshop a guided tour through the nuclear power station was organised. Zwentendorf is the only nuclear power plant in the world where persons can safely enter the reactor rooms.

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