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E-Taxi #56

The aim of the so-called E-taxi programme is to popularize electric transport and to familiarize the e-mobility program of the city. In this episode Marianna Lampert is talking to the editor Krisztián...

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E-Taxi #55

The aim of the so-called E-taxi programme is to popularize electric transport and to familiarize the e-mobility program of the city. In this episode Éva Hanol is talking to the editor Krisztián Lovász.http://www.telepaks.net/2019/07/16/e-taxi-2019-07-16-hanol-eva/

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Brand-new e-taxis have arrived at Paks

Source: https://www.origo.hu/gazdasag/20190717-etaxik-forgalomba-allitasaval-folytatodik-a-protheus-projekt-pakson.html http://www.pakspress.hu/index.php?ugras=hirolvaso&hirszama=68895&nyelv=0

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E-Taxi #54

The aim of the so-called E-taxi programme is to popularize electric transport and to familiarize the e-mobility program of the city. In this episode Edit Tell is talking to the editor Krisztián Lovász.http://www.telepaks.net/2019/07/09/e-taxi-2019-07-09-tell-edit/

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E-Taxi #53

The aim of the so-called E-taxi programme is to popularize electric transport and to familiarize the e-mobility program of the city. In this episode Wolfné Hambrik Csorvásy Helga is talking to the editor Krisztián...

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E-Taxi #52

The aim of the so-called E-taxi programme is to popularize electric transport and to familiarize the e-mobility program of the city. In this episode Ádám Gárdai is talking to the editor Krisztián...

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E-Taxi #51

The aim of the so-called E-taxi programme is to popularize electric transport and to familiarize the e-mobility program of the city. In this episode Zoltán Magyar is talking to the editor Krisztián...

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